Bitcoin Price Road-map

Bitcoin Price Road-map by Terry Kinder – Terry Kinder’s Random Acts of Thought
With Bitcoin seeming to set price records on a daily basis, you may be asking, “Can the Bitcoin price continue to rise?” The short answer is, yes. The long answer involves taking a look at the Bitcoin Price Road-map.
The big picture Bitcoin Price Road-map is as follows (based on Murrey Math):
8/8 – 10,000.00
7/8 – 8,750.00
6/8 – 7,500.00
5/8 – 6,250.00
4/8 – 5,000.00
3/8 – 3,750.00
2/8 – 2,500.00
1/8 – 1,250.00
0/8 – 0
The “Picture-in-Picture” view of the Bitcoin Price Road-map is:
8/8 – 5,000.00
7/8 – 4843.75
6/8 – 4687.50
5/8 – 4531.25
4/8 – 4375.00
3/8 – 4213.75
2/8 – 4062.50
1/8 – 3906.25
0/8 – 3750.00
Given the current price trajectory of Bitcoin (and some underlying knowledge of how Murrey Math Cycles work) a target price of $5,000.00 would be well within reason.
After this, especially if you are speculating use caution as the Bitcoin Price Road-map suggests the possibility of a 50% decrease in price from $5,000 to $2,500.00.
Short-term, taking a look at the “Picture-in-Picture” view of the Bitcoin Price Road-map, the expectation is that price will run up to around $4,375.00 before potentially backing off to around the $4,062.50 level.
Medium-term to longer-term, once the Bitcoin price hits $2,500.00 again, then that opens the door to a move all the way up to the $10,000.00 level.
BONUS: Bitcoin Probable Price Range for 8-13-17
Bitcoin Probable Price Range Low:
Bitcoin Probable Price Range High:
Note: Bitcoin Probable Price Range based on data from Quandl. 
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Source – Terry Kinder’s Random Acts of Thought



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